At the opposite extreme is a healthcare system based solely upon a private-pay (including private-insurance) model. In private-pay models, financing for medical services is on your own dime, or on the dime of your insurance company, which gets its dime and more, constituting its profit, from you. The essence of an insurance model is the concept of risk pools, in which high-risk individuals are identified and either excluded or forced to pay more for insurance coverage. The gold lies in low-risk pools, consisting of people belonging to groups that statistically make below-average demands on the healthcare system. These especially include employee groups, because employees are healthier on average than those not employed, a phenomenon well known in public health as the ‘healthy-worker effect’.
When a private-pay system encounters public policy, a fundamental conflict of interests rears its ugly head....
Copyright © 2009 by The Center for Health Risk Assessment and Management, a Division of RAM TRAC Corporation