As CHRAM founder, Dr. Michaels applies science to policy analysis; performs critical technical analyses and peer reviews; and reports findings, conclusions, and opinions about issues in energy and the environment, local and global sustainability, toxic substances, health risks, and strategies for mitigation and ethical management of risks.
CHRAM founder Dr. Robert Michaels is president of RAM TRAC Corporation, consulting in toxicology and health risk assessment to public interest, corporate, and government clients. ‘Dr. Bob’ has published extensively on toxic substance measurement, health risks, risk management, and policy. He has served as consultant to the U. S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, Chairperson of the State of Maine Scientific Advisory Panel, and staff toxicologist of the Natural Resources Defense Council. Dr. Michaels is an elected Life Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Chairperson of the Certification Review Board of the Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals, Secretary of the NFPA Technical Committee on Classification and Properties of Hazardous Chemicals, Board Member of the National Association of Environmental Professionals, and has been admitted as a Member of the American Association for Aerosol Research, Society for Risk Analysis, Society of Toxicology, and other professional societies.
Source: The Center for Health Risk Assessmentand Management, www. Reproduced with permission. __________________________